Friday, November 9, 2007

Big Dreams, Little Town - Matt

Well, hell, here's another one of these dang blogs!

It seems as though I could just import one of my many posts from my xanga, but I'd rather keep you in Grasshopper's world.

The past year has been a life-changing experience for me; being in this band. It's taught me many things on the inner-workings of a musician and the music he/she creates. And for that, I am ultimately blessed to have been a part of this humble group of people. I feel we have something very special to offer the music scene. More than just guitars, more than just a piano, more than just drums...but something emotional. (Which is more than one can say for most bands our age- after all, we are still but babies in this music world) And even through arguments, line-up snafoos, and more friends than fans, we still are solid as a rock.

In a business of snatching up what's hot (which now seems to be female pianists with decent voices), I still think we have potential. One may ask, "Isn't it hard to have these thoughts and live in Poolesville?" The answer is: yes...very much so.

I could speak hours of sentences about the fears of being a part of the music industry, but that wouldn't serve my happy image well. Expect great things in the months/years to come (whoever is reading this), because we have just begun! mwahahahahahahaha


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